Film & Television

A Film & Tv Student who has a passion for photography. I have always been fascinated with television shows growing up. I have love for old shows mixed with Netflix Originals. NCIS, Law and Order: SVU, Misfits, Skins, Brooklyn Nine Nine Money Heist, to name a few. There is definitely more but can’t think of the top of my head. Those were my shows and some I still consisently watch. My love for the crime genre is real with the need to have drama. The plot twists, narrative structure figuring them, out amazes me. Pschological films are my thing as well. I could be sat for hours on the couch at home ignoring the world around me. It bothers my mother still to this day. She knows not talk to me when I’m watching a show or a film. But she is aware for the love I have for programmes and films and accepts it unwillingly.


The love for Photography came later for me. From a school lesson I knew its something I would take a hobby in. I slowly started taking photographs on my iPhone, practicing. The Canon 200D has just recently been brought into my poession. Photos of different styles and techniques will be presented.

So thats me.

Enjoy the photography I display and watch the growth.

  • Ashley