
Welcome to the year 2020

Happy New Year, Happy New Year.

So Blessed to come into the year 2020.

Starting again from Feburary 5th, dropping my photograpghy pictures, aimaing to get better through trial and error.

Growth and determination will get anyone with passion far.

Starting anew with my photograpghy.

Stay Tuned!

cloud photography

Clouds in the sky

Sunsets are beautiful.


A day around My Garden

This image is secretly gained from a peek through my window. The fox just casually jumped from next door to ours. He slounched down onto the grass and chilled for around 20 mins. He’s a boujee fox.


First Day of Summer

June 1st was an especially hot day. Especially during travel. Multiple planes fly over my garden in London. I like how small it appears compared to the trees.


Small Depth of Field

Blurring the background and creating a subject as the main focus is so thirlling to look at. But achieving it is different. So far I have learnt the aperture needs to be greater than the f stop to achieve this technique. This is one of my favourite techniques in photography. A technique I aim to master professioanlly.



Repetition is a photography technique I am still trying to capture and attain. These are repeated subjects that I found around my area.


Negative Space

The clouds look so pretty when they are captured.

The same clock but cropped to show different perspectives. During capturing negative space, the clouds appear vivid against the hues of blue. The space becomes more dominant than the space. I;m not if this was the idea I was going for in that moent of time. But overlooking, thats the themes I receieve.

The plane in the sky fits perfectly with the creation I was trying to go for. The lamp looks immense compared to the plane. This enhances the negative space.


When did the passion start

Rembrandt Lighting

College was a confusing time for me. I had chosen IT, Business, Sociology and Economics to study at sixth form. Art and anything creative within I didnt quite know where I was going picking these subjects. Oh I remember. The idea of being an Accountant was in the back of my head becuase of my skills for Mathematics. Changing from A Levels to BTEC Media I knew was the best decision. I definitely knew my career would involve something creative. Studying media in college, I could learn different aspects such as Radio, film & Tv, advertising and so on. It wasn’t till second year of college and photograpghy was introduced did I discover. I really enjoy this. Discovering ISO, FOCUS and APERTURE and figuring it out was fun to me.

Working in groups across the Photograpghy studio, the task that day to practice and produce photos using the technique called Rembrandt Lighting. This technique prodcues portraits which emits raw shapes and striking forms. This was one of my favourite shoots during college and willl definitely want to elevate it professioanlly.


Nature is beautiful


My Canon 200D had just recently been purchased i was excited to take pictures. In order to do that I figured phone off which disenables all notifications. Overall aim was to remove all distractions. Took the camera from my room and went on a walk around my university town to see what I could capture.


This first image is just beautiful in my eyes. England being england the sun rays out on this day. I was able to highlight the flowers features being assisted by the sun. The flowers appear vibrant and colourful and time of frame emits joy.

The second photo is another picture of the same flowers. I did use the software Adobe Photoshop to bring out colours and play around with the themes. I may have overedited or overcoloured but hey is all part of a progress.

The last photo taken is different but i like it. The vibrant yellow stand out but is still surrounded by a blurry background of grey. I believe this gives off coldness and loneliness.


The Journey Begins

Its May. The month before Summer and the last month of spring. How time flies. We only just got into 2019. This progression made me realise I should start documenting my photography. No matter the outcome. If its perfect, or or underexposed, I want to be able to develop and enhance mys skills. A beginner photographer over here. Probably novice photographer is the better word for it. Keep a look out on this space and watch it grow.

 – Practice makes perfect. ————————————————————-