cloud photography

Clouds in the sky

Sunsets are beautiful.


Small Depth of Field

Blurring the background and creating a subject as the main focus is so thirlling to look at. But achieving it is different. So far I have learnt the aperture needs to be greater than the f stop to achieve this technique. This is one of my favourite techniques in photography. A technique I aim to master professioanlly.



Repetition is a photography technique I am still trying to capture and attain. These are repeated subjects that I found around my area.


The Journey Begins

Its May. The month before Summer and the last month of spring. How time flies. We only just got into 2019. This progression made me realise I should start documenting my photography. No matter the outcome. If its perfect, or or underexposed, I want to be able to develop and enhance mys skills. A beginner photographer over here. Probably novice photographer is the better word for it. Keep a look out on this space and watch it grow.

 – Practice makes perfect. ————————————————————-